Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapters 21-25 References

1. Les Miserables, p.238
"A Les Miserables poster was nailed to the wall behind Andrews next to topographical map of the U.S."
Les Miserable is a successful play and movie with over a 100 international awards.

2. September 11, 2001, p.362
"Soon after the attacks, America bombed Afghanistan, the northern alliance moved in, and the Taliban scurried like rats into the cave.
September 11, 2001 was the day that the twin towers got hit by hijacked airplanes in New York.

Chapters 21-25 Quotes

1. "A man who has no conscience, no goodness, does not suffer." (pg.301)
Speaker: Rahim Kahn
Occasion: Rahim wrote a final letter to Amir to recap everything that they had talked about when they met again, and to also say good-bye.
Audience: Amir
Purpose: The purpose of this quote is to show Amir that even though he did not stand up for Hassan, not to be so hard on himself. He was just a little boy then, to try and forget about not to have that conscience always reminding him.
Significance: This is significant because right before Amir got this letter he was beaten up by Assef. He felt relief in that because he finally felt like he got what he deserved. He wiped his conscience clean, he will not have to suffer day to day with the gilt he has felt.

2. "Perspective was a luxury when your head was constantly buzzing with a swarm of demons." (pg.356)
Speaker: Amir
Occasion: Amir was explaining how Sohrab had gotten in America and how it was decided.
Audience: readers
Purpose: The purpose of this quote is to show that not everything is as good as it looks or seems. Amir found perspective as a good thing due to all the evil going on inside of his head.
Significance: This quote is significant because it took Amir many steps, hardship, and struggles to get Sohrab into the U.S. with him and even though it is not perfect he is there and he would be fine. Amir was able to put everything into perspective for what has happened in the past months.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chapters 21-25 Vocabulary

1. Gingerly:
Definition- with great care or caution
Sentence in book- "Gingerly, I walked up the driveway where tufts of weeds now grew between the sun-faded bricks." (pg.261)
My sentence- The woman was very gingerly on her walk. 
Synonyms- dainty, delicate
Antonyms- rough 

2. Succulent:
Definition- rich in desire
Sentence in book- "The kabob was as succulent and delicious as I remembered." (pg.265)
My sentence- The succulent ring was very expensive.
Synonyms- moist, yummy 
Antonyms- unappetizing

3. Morbidly:
Definition- affected by, causing 
Sentence in book- "I found it morbidly fascinating that he hadn't changed his clothes from the executions earlier that day." (pg.275)
My sentence- The country of Chili was morbid to the earthquake. 
Synonyms- insanely, gruesome
Antonyms- cheerful, joyful 

4. Surreal:
Definition- having disorientating, hallucinating
Sentence in book- "The moment felt surreal- no, not surreal, absurd- it had knocked the breath out of me, brought the world around me to a standstill." (pg.281) 
My sentence- Becca was surreal after the big car accident.
Synonyms- hypnagogic 
Antonyms- real 

5. Epiphany:
Definition- an appearance or manifestation
Sentence in book- "But one day I had an Epiphany." (pg.282)
My sentence- Florence epiphany was horrible. 
Synonyms- flash, vision
Antonyms- secret

6. Impunity:
Definition- exemption from punishment 
Sentence in book- "Amir, the socially legitimate half, the half that represented the riches he had inherited and the sin-with-impunity privileges that came with him." (pg.301)
My sentence- Sally escaped the impunity by the skin of her teeth.
Synonyms- liberty, permission
Antonyms- veto 

7. Remorse:
Definition- deep and painful regret from wrongdoing
Sentence in book- "And this is what I want you to understand, that good, real good, was born out of your fathers remorse." (pg.302)
My sentence- The old man felt great remorse for hitting the dog that ran in front of his car.
Synonyms- pity, regret
Antonyms- joy

8. Shrewd:
Definition- keen;piercing
Sentence in book- "My boys are young but they are very shrewd." (pg.304)
My sentence- The shrewd sound scared the lives of many. 
Synonyms-tricky, smooth
Antonyms- ignorant

9. Pondered:
Definition- to consider something thoroughly and deeply 
Sentence in book- "I stole looks at him as he pondered his cards." (pg.306)
My sentence- Mary pondered her options for three days. 
Synonyms- consider, dwell
Antonyms- discard

10. Paunchy:
Definition- having a large and protruding belly; potbellied
Sentence in book- "The manager, a paunchy man with sweat patches under his arms, kept flashing smiles and telling me that no one in the bank had touched the money."(pg.308)
My sentence- The scrawny man was paunchy. 
Synonyms- bulky, solid
Antonyms- tiny, small

11. Reproachful:
Definition- full or or expressing reproach
Sentence in book- "I saw myself calling the police, describing Sohrab to them under Fayyaz's reproachful glare." (pg.316)
My sentence- The reproachful stare from the man was scary. 
Synonyms- insolent, offensive
Antonyms- kind, nice

12. Obligatory:
Definition- imposing moral or legal obligation
Sentence in book- "I heard the officer, his voice tired and uninterested, asking his obligatory questions." (pg.316)
My sentence-It was obligatory to let the kids pick their umbrellas before me. 
Synonyms- mandatory
Antonyms- optional

13. Irrevocably:
Definition- not to be revoked or recalled
Sentence in book-"What had happened in that room with Assef had irrevocably bound us." (pg.320)
My sentence- The irrevocable trust was what kept us close. 
Antonyms- doubtful

14. Squalid:
Definition- wretched; miserable 
Sentence in book-" I had found the boy in squalid conditions, wasting away in a orphanage." (pg.329)
My sentence- Henry was upset due to the squalid weather. 
Synonyms- shabby
Antonyms- honorable, good

15. Fabricated:
Definition- to fake; forge 
Sentence in book- "Let's assume the story you gave me is true, though i'd bet my pension a good deal it was either fabricated or omitted." (pg.330)
My sentence- By the time the story reached the fifth person it was extremely fabricated. 
Synonyms- mix, devise
Antonyms- demolish

16. Reputable:
Definition- considered to be of good or considerable usage
Sentence in book- "I'm saying that if you want to help, send money to a reputable relief organization." (pg.331)
My sentence-The reputable organization helped against bullying awareness.
Synonyms- trustworthy
Antonyms- unimportant, unknown

17. Turmoil:
Definition- a state of commotion or confusing
Sentence in book- "...I brought Hassans son from Afghanistan to America, lifting him from the certainty of turmoil and dropping him in a turmoil of uncertainty." (pg.356)
My sentence- The turmoil in Afghanistan still continues today.  
Synonyms- flap, whirl 
Antonyms- calmness

18. Profusely:
Definition- made or done freely and abundantly
Sentence in book- "...If you do, you will be scorned and made to apologize profusely for having committed the sin of spoiling the end." (pg.357)
My sentence- The cake was made profusely.
Synonyms-amply, richly
Antonyms- pre-made

Chapters 21-25 Questions

1. " I saw a dead body near the restaurant. There had been a hanging. " (pg. 259)
"The tall Talib with the black sunglasses walked to the pile of stones they had unloaded from the third truck. He picked up a rock and showed it to the crowd.... The Talib looking absurdly like a baseball pitcher on the mound, hurled the stone at the blindfolded man in the hole." (pg. 271)

2. The Taliban official is Assef. I was not surprised when I found out that the Taliban was Assef because as a kid he was also very mean. It is like he enjoys seeing others in pain. Assef justifies his transformation by explaining to Amir how he became a Taliban. He was thrown in jail with other people and every night the commandment would take one person and beat them. When it was Assefs turn he eventually started laughing and the commander got mad and threw him back in the cell. Assef than ran a commandment on a battle field, shot the guy that beat him in the balls and has been on a mission since. I do not think it is a transformation because he has been beating kids up and harassing them since he was little.

3. 1. Hassan had a slingshot when he was a kid and now that his son, Sohrab, is a kid he has a slingshot too.
2. Hassan threatened to slingshot Assef in the eye, when Sohrab shot Assef with his slingshot, he hit him in the eye.
3. Assef threatened to Hassan and Amir that they would eventually get payback. Assef gave Hassan his payback a while ago and now it was Amirs turn.

4. I think the letter was very important. Rahim summed up a lot of what they talked about before and even gave Amir a little bit more. He apologized and said how he was ashamed for lying and asked not to be found. I think that the letter was given to Amir at the perfect time. I think Baba was a good man that was torn between Hassan and Amir and how he betrayed Ali.

5. When I think of my parents I do not have the same thoughts that Amir does with Baba. My parents are very open and towards the end Amir finds out that Baba had some secrets that he never revealed to him.

6. Amir and Sohrab travel to Islamabad because Farid did not think that Amir was safe in the hospital due to the Taliban. Sohrab went with him because there never was a orphanage for him to go in and Amir took him in. Since the Taliban has taken over all of the joy to a little kids life has been taken away. Watching their parents being killed, hangings, barely any interactions with others, no food all of this was taken away from them at a very young age. Therefore the kids in Afghanistan did not have a good childhood. Hassan as well did not have a good childhood because he was a Hazara working for a Pashtun family, the only fun that he had was playing with Amir. Once Sohrab saw his mom and dad die, he went to a orphanage at a young age and spent a long time in there before anybody came for him.

7. Mullah is a term used in Islamic countries for people that have learned and or been taught.

8. Raymond Andrews was a man that worked to help bring citizens of Afghanistan to a different country such as the U.S. Raymond tried to get Sohrab to the U.S. with Amir but denied access after hearing Amir's story.

9. Soraya agrees to bringing Sohrab into the U.S. and adopting him into their family, even after Amir tells her everything.

10. Soraya's uncle Sharif helped Sohrab get a visa to cross borders into the U.S.

11. Amir breaks the promise of never putting Sohrab back into a orphanage.

12. Sohrab then tries to commit suicide by cutting himself with a razor. This is significant because when things did not go right for Amir he tried anything to find a way out. Sohrab as well did the same thing, when he found out that he would be going in a orphanage.

\13. For the first seven months that Sohrab is in San Francisco he is silent. He does not talk or do much. He would walk in the room as if not to scare a mouse. He mostly slept.

14. General Taheris is worried about the fact that Amir has brought a Hazara boy into his family, and people will be asking for a reason. Amir is calm. He explains how Sohrab is his nephew and he then gets very short with the general. He tells him to never refer to him as a hazara boy in Amirs presence, he has a name and it is Sohrab.

15. Afghans gather at Lake Elizabeth Park because the general was summoned to Afghanistan a month earlier and the plan was to join him a few months later once he was settled. Later on Soraya notices kites flying in the sky.

16. Amir feels 12 again. As soon as he starts to run with the kite he instantly flashes back to the times he flew kites with Hassan. except, when he looked down it was Sohrab.

17. This is another full circle because when Amir was a kid he flew kites with Hassan and now that he is older he is flying a kite with Sohrab, Hassans son.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Chapters 15-20 Quotes

1. A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up for anything." (pg.221)
Speaker: Rahim Khan
Occasion: Amir had just returned back to Peshawar to visit Rahim. Rahim asked Amir to do him a favor and Amir refused.
Audience: Amir
Purpose: The purpose is for Rahim to talk to Amir and find out the man he has become today.
Significance:The significance of this quote is to show Amir and other people that you do not need to be the person everyone else say, be the person you want to be.

Chapters 15-20 Vocabulary

1. Nonchalantly:
Definition: coolly unconcerned, indifferent
Sentence in book: "My driver, a chain-smoking, sweaty little man who introduced himself as Gholam, drove nonchalantly and recklessly, averting collisions by the thinnest of margins, all without so much as a pause in the incessant stream of words spewing from his mouth:" (pg.195)
My sentence: The girl acted so nonchalantly around her friends.
Synonyms: casual
Antonyms: different

2. Incessant:
Definition: continuing without interruption
Sentence in book: "My driver, a chain-smoking, sweaty little man who introduced himself as Gholam, drove nonchalantly and recklessly, averting collisions by the thinnest of margins, all without so much as a pause in the incessant stream of words spewing from his mouth:" (pg.195)
My sentence: The incessant speech lasted a total of 10 hours.
Synonyms: eternal, everlasting
Antonyms: broken

3. Garrulous:
Definition: excessively talkative in a rambling kind of way
Sentence in book:
My sentence: The garrulous man was 20 years old.
Synonyms: babbling, chatting
Antonyms: quiet

4. Collateral:
Definition: security pledged for a payment of the loan
Sentence in book: "Collateral Damage," Rahim Khan said
My sentence: The boss had to pay for the collateral damage.
Synonyms: under, added
Antonyms: different

5. Melancholic:
Definition: gloomy
Sentence in book: "Were a melancholic people, we afghans, aren't we?" (pg.201)
My sentence: The melancholic girl was wearing all black.
Synonyms: gloomy, moody
Antonyms: cheerful, happy

6. Wallow:
Definition: to roll about or lie in water, snow, mud, dust, or the like, as for refreshment
Sentence in book: "Often, we wallow too much in Ghamkhori and self-pity." (pg.201)
My sentence: The big green animal wallowed around the park.
Synonyms: lie, sway
Antonyms: steady, straighten

7. Pragmatic:
Definition: of or pertaining to a practical point of view or practical considerations.
Sentence in book:"But I am not surrendering to fate her, I am being pragmatic." (pg.201)
My sentence: The pragmatic essay was written in red.
Synonyms: efficient, sober
Antonyms: excited, impractical

8. proverbial:
Definition: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a proverb
Sentence in book: "Kabul in those days, Amir Jan, was as close as you could get to that proverbial hell on earth." (pg. 212)
My sentence: The proverbial car door was opened way too early.
Synonyms: accepted, acknowledged
Antonyms: different

9. Presumptuous:
Definition: unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward.
Sentence in book: "It was presumptuous of me to just show up and ask you to drop everything." (pg.207)
My sentence: The presumptuous old man was driving on the wrong side of the road.
Synonyms: rude, pushy
Antonyms: cautious, humble

10. Oblivion:
Definition: the state of being completely forgotten or unknown
Sentence in book:"I wished he had let me live on in my oblivion."(pg.226)
My sentence: The man went from being completely oblivion to being very well-known.
Synonyms: disregard, forgetfulness
Antonyms: caring

11. Empathy:
Definition: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or  attitudes of another.
Sentence in book: "There was no empathy in his eyes." (pg.228)
My sentence:Mary withdrew with complete empathy.
Synonyms:pity, warmth
Antonyms: hatred

12. Animosity:
Definition: a feeling of strong dislike
Sentence in book: "Farid gave me another dismissive look, this one with a hint of barely suppressed animosity, and went back to smoking his cigarette."(pg.228)
My sentence: The animosity was rising in the supermarket.
Synonyms: malice
Antonyms: happiness, kind

13. Surly:
Definition: unfriendly or hostile
Sentence in book: "His tone bordered on the surly." (pg.229)
My sentence: The surly woman was dressed in yellow.
Synonyms: testy, ugly
Antonyms: kind, nice

14. Rueful:
Definition: causing sorrow or pity
Sentence in book:" He used to have seven" Rahim said with a rueful look, but he'd lost his two youngest girls a few years earlier in a land mine blast just outside of jalalabad..." (pg.230)
My sentence: The death of a dog was extremely rueful.
Synonyms: sorry, remorseful
Antonyms: happy

15. Deliberate:
Definition: carefully weighed or considered
Sentence in book: "I was afraid I'd deliberate, ruminate, agonize, rationalize, and talk myself into not going." (pg.231)
My sentence: The deliberate opinions was a heated debate for a full 30 minutes.
Synonyms: careful
Antonyms: careless

16. Ruminate:
Definition: to chew again or over and over
Sentence in book:  "I was afraid I'd deliberate, ruminate, agonize, rationalize, and talk myself into not going." (pg.231)
My sentence: The ruminate steak was a little under cooked.
Synonyms: figure, weigh
Antonyms: forget, discard

17. Contemptuous:
Definition: showing or expressing contempt
Sentence in book: "Farid said, speaking to wahid but fixing me with a contemptuous gaze." (pg.236)
My sentence: To restrict myself from eating the cookie, was contemptuous.
Synonyms: bold, cheeky
Antonyms: humble

18. Furtive:
Definition: taken, done, used
Sentence in book: "As I ate, I noticed Wahid's boys, all three thin with dirtcaked faces and short cropped brown hair under their skullcaps, stealing furtive glances at my wristwatch." (pg.238)
My sentence: The furtive paper was ready to hand in.
Synonyms: sly, shifty
Antonyms: open

19. Morosely:
Definition: characterized by or expressing gloom
Sentence in book: "Welcome back" he said morosely." (pg.244)
My sentence: The morosely girl with yellow glasses was very pretty.
Synonyms: wistfully, gloomily
Antonyms: happily

20. Benevolence:
Definition: an act of kindness
Sentence in book: "A world of thanks for your benevolence, Agha sahib." (pg.248)
My sentence: Picking up the Popsicle for the young girl was a act of benevolence.
Synonyms: gift, feeling
Antonyms: hatred

21. Profoundly:
Definition: being or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious
Sentence in book: "Because I'm so profoundly happy, Dr.Rusal" (pg.250)
My sentence: I profoundly read more of the book than I was suppose too.
Synonyms: very, greatly
Antonyms: incompletely

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapters 15-20 Questions

1. When Amir sees Rahim Kahn they are in Peshawar
2. Amir does not like cliches because he thinks they have a "bum rap." He thinks they are dead-on. Amir uses the cliche "an elephant in the room" because he knows that there is a lot they have to talk about and the cliche an elephant in the room means something you can't overlook. His reuniting with Rahim will be bug and Amir will not be able to look over the conversation.
3. Afghanistan is now being taken over by the Taliban.
4. Hassan lost his father and cousin, Hassan married Farzana Jan, He had a child named Sohrab. Hassan was living in a small village in Hazarajat. Hassan had made a life for himself there, like Amir did in America.
5. Farzana was Hassans wife. Sohrab was Hassans son.
6. In 1996 the Taliban, put an end to the daily fighting. a few years later though the Taliban massacred the hazaras to Mazar-i-sharif.
7. The tone of the letter from Hassan is happy. Amir didn't say much except for asking how Hassan was doing.
8. Amir just kept referring back to memories he had with Hassan and his next concern was what had happened to Sohrab. No, I do not think that Rahim's dying wish is unfair because Rahim didn't ask anything from Amir all his life except for that one thing. Amir at least owes that to Rahim for the things he has done when Amir was a child and in America while he was left behind to care for Baba's house.
9. It relates to them because they both betrayed the people they loved. Baba betrayed Amir, Hassan and Ali by not telling them the truth about Hassan. Hassan was his son and he denied that truth from them. Amir betrayed Hassan by not sticking up for him in the alley.
10. Baba hiring the doctor to fix Hassans harelip, Baba never missing Hassans birthday, When Amir asked for new servants Baba got mad and saidf they were staying, He cried when Ali took Hassan and left, always called him family.
11. Farid said that because Amir always had everything handed to him and all the best stuff because of his father. He had a huge house, servants, american car, not the afghanistan way. Farids thinks of afghans who visit Afghanistan very poorly because they gave up and left when things got rough and didn't stay and fight like the rest.
12. Amir realized how poor everyone had become. The kids at the house they were staying at were always staring at him, he thought it was because of his watch so he gave it to them. They lost interest pretty quickly until he finally realized that they were always staring at his food.
13. Amir saw burned villages, beggers, every street corner was covered in rags, bone-dry river, no trees, bad air quality- it was diesel fuel.
14. Zaman says that he's broke. He's spent his life savings on the orphanage. If he denies one child they take ten. So he swallows his pride and gives one away.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chapters 10-14 vocabulary

1. Lucrative:
Definition- profitable; moneymaking
Sentence in book- "Karim was a people smuggler- it was a pretty lucrative business then, driving people out of Shorawi-occupied Kabul to the relative safety of Pakistan." (pg.111)
My sentence- The apple products were very lucrative.
Synonyms- fatness
Antonyms- unprofitable

2. Inevitable:
Definition- unable to be avoided, evaded or escaped
Sentence in book- "Then the inevitable." (pg.113)
My sentence- the inevitable girl followed you everywhere.
Synonyms- determined
Antonyms- likely

3. Acrid:
Definition- sharp or biting to the taste or smell
Sentence in book- "The place was dim, and the acrid smell of beer I'd always disliked permeated the walls." (pg.132)
My sentence- The smell of the buffalo wings was acrid.
Synonyms- biting
Antonyms- savoring

4. Pungent:
Definition- acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
Sentence in book- "I smelled tobacco on him and alcohol, sweet and pungent." (pg.133)
My sentence- The pungent smell filled the hallway.
Synonyms- spicy, sour
Antonyms- pleasant

5. Sauntered:
Definition- a leisurely walk
Sentence in book- "I ran the stand sometimes as Baba sauntered down the aisle, hands respectfully pressed to his chest, greeting people he knew from Kabul: mechanics and tailors selling hand-me-down wool coats and scraped bicycle helmets, alongside former ambassadors, out-of-work surgeons, and university professors" (pg.138)
My sentence- Two boys sauntered on the first day of spring.
Synonyms- mope, drift
Antonyms- stay

6. Legacy:
Definition- anything handed down from past, ancestors
Sentence in book- "Boys and girls must know the legacy of their fathers." (pg.140)
My sentence- The legacy of my grandmother was an amazing story put in a box.
Synonyms- gift
Antonyms- trash

7. Arrogant:
Definition- making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud
Sentence in book-"Then congratulations, you are already halfway to being a man, he said with no trace of humor, no irony, the compliment of casually arrogant." (pg.140)
My sentence- The old man was very arrogant.
Synonyms- smart, overbearing
Antonyms- shy

8. Perpetually:
Definition- continually or enduring forever
Sentence in book-"I would wave at the general, perpetually dressed in his shiny over-pressed gray suit, and he would wave back." (pg.144)
My sentence- The length of my blanket was perpetual.
Synonyms- constantly, always
Antonyms- never

9. Fickle:
Definition- likely to change
Sentence in book-"Afghan men, especially those from reputable families, were fickle creatures." (pg.148)
My sentence- The weather was very fickle.
Synonyms- cheating
Antonyms- faithful

10. Sallow:
Definition- of a sickly, yellowish color
Sentence in book-"The sallow, puffy-eyed doctor who saw us introduced himself as a second-year resident." (pg.153)
My sentence- The sallow sun was very hot today.
Antonyms- clean

11. Ominous:
Definition- portending evil or harm
Sentence in book-"I thanked him as I helped Baba out of the office, thinking that I had to live a while week with this word "mass" an even more ominous word than "suspicious" (pg.155)
My sentence- The ominous man was 35 years old.
Synonyms- grim, clouded
Antonyms- bright, happy

12. Palliative:
Definition- serving to palliate
Sentence in book-" But it would only be palliative." (pg.156)
My sentence- She was only palliative.
Synonyms- relief
Antonyms- bad, painful

13. Reticence:
Definition- state of being reserved
Sentence in book-"But there was a new reticence to Khanum Taheri's demeanor." (pg.157)
My sentence-There was a different reticence to the boys attitude.
Synonyms- shy
Antonyms- loud

14. Demeanor:
Definition- conduct, behavior
Sentence in book-"But there was a new reticence to Khanum Taheri's demeanor." (pg.157)
My sentence-The demeanor of the kid was unreasonable.
Antonyms- nonappearence

15. Furtive:
Definition- taken, done, used
Sentence in book-"A reticence broken by only secret, droopy smiles and the furtive, apologetic looks she'd cast my way when the general's attention was engaged elsewhere." (pg.157)
My sentence- The furtive paper was all ripped.
Synonyms- creepy
Antonyms- open

16. Daunting:
Definition- to overcome with fear
Sentence in book-"I found it frightening, invigorating,daunting, and exhilarating all at the same time." (pg.184)
My sentence- The girl was to be daunting with sky diving.
Synonyms- bully

17. Meticulous:
Definition- taking or showing extreme care to minute details
Sentence in book-"IVF proved lengthy, meticulous, frustrating, and ultimately unsuccessful." (pg.186)
My sentence- The meticulous man was an engineer.
Synonyms- precise, strict
Antonyms- inaccurate

18. Ambivalent:
Definition- having mixed feelings about someone or something
Sentence in book-"Soraya was ambivalent at best." (pg.186-187)
My sentence- The young girl was ambivalent at 12.
Synonyms- uncertain, undecided
Antonyms- determined

19. Oblivious:
Definition- unmindful, unconscious
Sentence in book-"Khala Jamila bemoaned us moving almost an hour away, especially since she thought Soraya needed all the love and support she could get-oblivious to the fact that her well-intended but overbearing sympathy was precisely what was driving Soraya to move." (pg.188-189)
My sentence- The old man was oblivious.
Synonyms- blind, deaf
Antonyms- attentive, aware

Chapters 10-14 References

1. Jimmy Carter, pg.126
"He loathed Jimmy Carter, whom he called a "big-toothed cretin"
political- Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the united states.

2. Russian history, pg.126
"In 1980, when we were still in Kabul, the U.S. announced it would be boycotting the olympic games in Moscow."
History- In 1980, there was a Russian invasion on Afghanistan.

3. World Events, pg.183-4-1989
"That was the year that the Shorawi completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan. It Should have been a time of glory for afghans."
History- 1989 was a huge year that had a lot of events happen in.

Chapters 10-14 Quotes

1. "Not a word passes between us, not because we have nothing to say, but because we don't have to say anything-that's how it is between people who are each other's first memories..." (pg.122)
Speaker- Amir
Occasion-  Amir is getting car sick and Baba told him to think of something good. He is thinking back to times between Hassan and himself.
Audience- readers
Purpose- The purpose of this quote is to show how Amir will never forget about Hassan. Hassan and Amir grew up together, their childhood will never go away no matter what has happened as they grew older.
Significance- This significance of this quote is to explain how Hassan is Amir's first memories and Hassan will now be Amir's last memories.

2. "Baba loved the idea of America. It was living in America that gave him an ulcer." (p.125)
Speaker- Amir
Occasion- Baba and Amir were no longer in Afghanistan, they were in America.
Audience- Readers
Purpose- The purpose of this quote is to show how Baba feels about America.
Significance- This quote is significant because even though Baba loved the idea of America he still was very unsure of everything and everyone in America. Baba wasn't one to jump into things and be comfortable right away.

3. "For me America was a place to bury memories. For Baba a place to mourn his." (pg.129)
Speaker- Amir
Occasion- They were eating dinner and Baba was upset because he wasn't known in America like back in Afghanistan.
Audience- Readers
Purpose- The purpose of this is to contrast the difference between Amir and Baba and how America may benefit one but not the other. It's a chance for Amir to bury his past with Hassan, because nobody in America knows about it.
Significance- This is significant because it refers back to the day in the alley. All the regrets, and memories continue to haunt Amir wherever he goes.

4. "People need stories to divert them at difficult times." (pg. 139)
Speaker- General Taheri
Occasion- General Taheri is talking to Amir about his stories.
Audience- Amir
Purpose- The purpose of this quote is to show that it is a difficult time for afghans, with everything going on in their country and for some a book is all that they need.
Significance- This is significant because General Taheri is backing up Amir's decision about creative writing.

5. "Life is a train. Get on board." (pg.185)
Speaker- Amir
Occasion- Amir and Soraya were in Dr. Rosen's office, because they are having trouble with making a kid.
Audience- Readers
Purpose- The purpose of this quote is to show that life isn't easy. When your on a train there will be many bumps and stops on the way and Life is one of things.
Significance- This quote is significant because it can relate to any problem that anyone has faced so far through the book.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chapters 10-14 Questions

1. Baba has to apologize for Amir's car sickness.
2. Karim is the driver.
3. Baba and Amir are fleeing because things are starting to go bad in Afghanistan; nobody could trust anybody anymore.
4. Baba challenges the Russian soldier because the soldier wanted thirty minutes with the lady in order for them to pass. He said that every price has a tax. Baba stepped in to stand up for the girl.
5. Surviving The Sickness:
on their trip Amir kept getting car sick. So in order for him to get through it he had to think of happy thoughts and happy times in his life, flying kites with Hassan happened to be one of the happy memories. It also shows how Amir can't let go of the pass. He still regrets the day in the alley.
Remembering Your Roots:
Baba wants to remember where they came from and everything about it as they leave. He picks up the dirt as a symbol of the ground they came from.
While Amir and Baba are packing, Kamals father started yelling for help. Kamal won't breathe. Kamal's father was so upset and in a very unstable place, that he couldn't deal with the pain from the loss of his son so he took the life of his own.
Hard Times:
Kamal was alone with four other boys when he himself was raped. He has been hurt on the inside so badly that he no longer talks, he just stares.
6. In chapter eleven, Baba and Amir are now in America.
7. Amir is the one speaking. It reveals Amir guilt for not speaking up for Hassan. Amir is saying how in America he can get rid of his sins but in reality they will haunt him forever because he himself cannot let it go.
8. For graduation, Baba got Amir a car. Amir is extremely excited and grateful for this present from his father. He was thankful for everything is father had done for him. Baba was also very happy for his son.
9. Soraya is the daughter of General Taheri and Amir's new love interest.
10. In San Jose, on the weekends, Baba and Amir are always taking trips on their bus. On Saturdays, they stopped at garage sales and picked up knickknacks and old stuff that nobody wanted. On Sundays they would drive into the flee market.
11. General Taheri was a Afghan general  in Kabul. He worked for the ministry of defense, and in America he runs a section of the flee market.
12. Amir told Baba that he wanted to major in English. Baba doubted creative writing as a job that could make money. He didn't seem to understand that people pay money and buy other peoples books to read.
13. Baba is speaking about Soraya and her past to Amir. It is also significant because he is talking to Amir who has a bad history with Hassan. What Amir saw in the alley has left a mark on him that he will carry out for his whole life.
14.  Amir observes the double standard between Soraya and himself. He had tried to start conversation with her, a girl with a history and people noticed. If she answered they'd be chatting and she would take a lot of crap for it.
15. The visit with the pulmonologist became unsuccessful because Baba found out that the doctor was Russian and Baba would not let him continue from there.
16. Baba is diagnosed with cancer and decides he will not use chemo medicine to treat it.
17. Amir asks Baba to meet with General Taheri because he wants to marry his daughter Soraya. He needs his dad to talk to her dad to set it up.
18. -Losing his wife -Raising a son by himself -Leaving his beloved homeland -poverty -dignity
Baba never wrestled any real bears, he just had some big events in his life that he had to work through and he always did. This is ironic to Amir because he didn't do that. He never could stick up for himself or others like his father did. \
19. Amir finds out that a agency from New York wanted his completed manuscript for the book he written. He was then offered to be represented by a man named Martin Greenwalt. A month later his book was published. Amir was gonna be a published novelists.
20. Soraya and Amir face the disappointment of not being able to have a child. I think Amir should have told Soraya about Hassan when she told him her past because she was open with him and he couldn't do the same. I think this could potentially ruin a marriage because he is keeping a secret from her, and if she finds out shes gonna be really mad for one that he didn't tell her, and two she was open with him.
21. In 1989 the Shorawi completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan. But the war still continued between the afghans also known as the mujahedin, against the soviet puppet government. General Taheri was in charge but lost hopes.
22. Rahim is asking Amir to go back and finally have a chance to be good again. He knew Amirs secret and is giving him a chance to redeem himself.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chapters 6-9 Quotes

1. "Afghans abhor customs but cherish rules." (pg.52)
Speaker: Amir
Occasion: Amir was explaining the kite tournament.
Audience: readers
Purpose: The purpose of this quote was to explain the rules of the kite flying and how it was similar to the Afghans.
Significance: The significance is to simply draw a line between what is cherished and the rules. The afghans cherish customs but they regard the rules, like the tournament. They don't have rules, just fly your kite, and cut your opponents.

2. "But better to get hurt by the truth than confronted with a lie." (pg.58)
Speaker: Amir
Occasion: He was restating some of his conversation with his father.
Audience: Readers
Purpose: The purpose is for Amir to tell the readers that he would rather know the truth than a bunch of lies. In the context they are talking about Afghanistan. They say how no one would be able to find Afghanistan on a map, which hurts Amir a little but he's glad he knows.
Significance: The significance for this is to explain that instead of being told lies all the time and believing them, to just hear the truth no matter how much it hurts.

3. "In the end, the world always wins. That's just the way of things." (pg.99)
Speaker: Rahim Khan
Occasion: Rahim was trying to cheer Amir up.
Audience: Amir
Purpose: Rahim was telling Amir about his fantasy with a girl he used to like. Amir was upset, so Rahim was trying to help make him feel better by telling this story.
Significance: The significance of the quote is to say no matter what happens you do not get a choice in life. The world will win. Whatever is suppose to happen will happen, You or nobody else has a say but to deal with it.

Chapters 6-9 vocabulary

Definition- to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion
Sentence in book- "Afghans cherish customs but abhor rules." (pg.52)
My sentence- Mollie abhored the rules at her grandmothers house.
Synonyms- scorn, hate
Antonyms- admire, love

Definition- strong displeasure at something considered unjust
Sentence in book-" I'd soon er eat dirt," he said with a look of indignation." (pg.54)
My sentence- Pierre had a look of indignation when I told him my sister ate a piece of corn that fell on the floor.
Synonyms- rage, mad
Antonyms- glee, happy

Definition- the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished; honesty
Sentence in book- "If I was going to toy with him and challenge his loyalty, he'd toy with me, test my integrity." (pg.54)
My sentence- The state of integrity was more than usual with the old man.
Synonyms- virtue
Antonyms- dishonesty

Definition- rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner.
Sentence in book- " He's so smart," I said more curtly than I intended." (pg.0)
My sentence- "He's so mean" The young girl said curtly.
Synonyms- harsh
Antonyms- polite 

Definition- to evade
Sentence in book- "The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang- sometimes even at women." (pg.61)
My sentence- The army shirked Iraq.
Synonyms- shun, avoid
Antonyms- meet, face

Definition- severe in manner or appearance
Sentence in book- "The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang- sometimes even at women." (pg.61)
My sentence- The woman austered took off the make-up.
Synonyms- harsh
Antonyms- flexible, elaborate

Definition- gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.
Sentence in book-  "The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang- sometimes even at women." (pg.61)
My sentence- The boy was very morose today.
Synonyms- moody
Antonyms- cheerful 

Definition-great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage.
Sentence in book- "A havoc of scrap and rubble littered the alley." (pg.75)
My sentence- The havoc done to Chris's house was replaceable.
Synonyms- devastation, catastrophe

Definition- likely to occur at any moment; impending
Sentence in book- "I imagine the animal sees that its imminent demise is for a higher purpose." (pg.77)
My sentence- The boy appearing out of his hiding spot was imminent.
Synonyms- coming, next
Antonyms- far, never

Definition- sincere; honest
Sentence in book- "Or, god forbid, what I feared most: guileless devotion?" (pg.78) 
My sentence- The guileless girl was very young; she was 6 years old.
Synonyms- naive 
Antonyms- tricky

Definition- the inability, especially when chronic, to obtain sufficient sleep
Sentence in book- "That was the night I became an Insomniac." (pg.86)
My sentence- February 26, was the night the 5 year old boy became an insomniac.
Synonyms- alive, weary
Antonyms- sleepy, awake

Definition- to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by or as if by repeated attacks; worry
Sentence in book- "He was hanging clothes to dry in the yard and I saw his eagerness in the Harried way he finished the job." (pg.91)
My sentence- The 9 year old boy harried me to no end.
Synonyms- plague, trouble
Antonyms- calm, happy 

Definition- the state or quality of being anonymous.
Sentence in book- " I turned thirteen that summer of 1796, Afghanistan's next to last summer of peace and anonymity." (pg.93)
My sentence-The quite girl was anonymity.
Synonyms- nameless
Antonyms- known 

Definition- an intervening episode, period, space
Sentence in book- " I regretted saying it - I really did- but I think even if I hadn't, our happy little interlude would have come to an end." (pg.93)
My sentence- The interlude between wars was very quite.
Synonyms- stop, rest
Antonyms- start, go 

Definition- the state or fact of being embodied
Sentence in book- "On the surface, he was the embodiment of every parents dream, a strong tall, well-dressed and well-mannered boy with talent and striking looks, not to mention the wit to joke with an adult." (pg.96)
My sentence- Out of everyone she was the embodiment of every boys dream.
Synonyms- symbol
Antonyms- exclusion

Definition- architecture
Sentence in book- "When I looked into them, the facade faltered, revealed a glimpse of the madness hiding behind them." (pg.97)
My sentence- The facade was unbelievable.
Synonyms- look, show 
Antonyms- truth

Alter Ego: 
Definition- an inseparable friend.
Sentence in book- " I'd always thought of him as Baba's quiet alter ego, my writing mentor, my pal, the one who never forgot to bring me a souvenir, a saughat, when he returned from a trip abroad. 
My sentence- My alter ego is Abby. 
Synonyms- second self
Antonyms- enemies

Blood Money:
Definition- a fee paid to a hired murderer
Sentence in book- "That was the only one that didn't feel like blood money." (pg.102)
My sentence- The blood money was given to a 79 year old man. 
Synonyms- amount
Antonyms- owed

Definition- a facial expression often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc.
Sentence in book-"His mouth twitched and, for a moment, I thought I saw a grimace." (pg.107)
My sentence- the grimace on his face was unrecognizable.
Synonyms- sneer, smirk
Antonyms- grin

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chapters 6-9 Questions

1. During the winter of 1975 every boy in Kabul participated in the kite tournament. Some boys would make their own kites which left gashes on their fingers. Tar is another name for the string on a kite.

2. Amir feels a little resentful towards Hassan because he feels like Baba likes Hassan better. Amir feels like he isn't as important to Baba as Hassan is, Amir feels like a shadow behind Hassan which is why he says, "Show him once and for all his son was worthy. Then maybe my life as a ghost in this house will finally be over."

3. Amir's proudest moment was when he came in first place for kite competition.

4. Hassan is met in the alley by Assef and his gang. They talk for a little bit and Assef says this is Hassans payback for the slingshot. He says he will leave Hassan alone in return for the kite. Hassan says no. Assef then rapes Hassan and Wali and Kamal hold him down and watch.

5. Amir is the one that says that and its important because if he would have said something, he could have stopped what happened to Hassan. In my opinion Amir was a little scared and knew what was right but instead of acting on it he chickened and acted as if he never saw it.

6. Amir is remembering how close Hassan and him used to be. They have been together since birth. They fed from the same breast allowing a brotherhood between them. and Amir feels like he betrayed him.

7. Amirs family goes to Jalalabad.

8. Amir asks for new servants. Baba responds with how he grew up with Ali, and whatever was going on between Amir and Hassan would have to be worked out between the two of them. Baba also threatens to hit Amir if he says that again.

9. The pomegranate tree was inscribed with the words Amir carved in the tree with Ali's kitchen knife.    Amir and Hassan: The Sultans of Kabul... It's significant that he picks that tree because its not just any tree, it's their tree. The tree that symbolizes their friendship. Amir starts chucking pomegranates at Hassan and then asks for it in return. This is important because Amir wants to feel the pain that Hassan did hoping to take away his own.

10. Assef gives Amir a book. It was a biography of Hitler. It was significant because it was Assef's favorite book. It was almost like a comparison. Hitler was bad and so is Assef. Neither did good things. Assef knows that Amir saw what happened in the alley.

11. Amir puts the watch from his dad and money under Hassan's pillow. Amir wants Hassan to be accused of theft because that's the #1 unforgivable sin. I was shocked because no matter if Baba gets rid of Hassan he will always have the memory.

12. Hassan agrees to stealing Amir's watch and money.

13. Baba forgives Hassan.

14. Hassan and Ali were aloud to stay but decided to move away for good.

15. It's a turning point because Hassan and Ali moved away, but still the memories remain.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chapter 1-5 References

1. Henry Kissinger, p.21
"Amir do you see that man sitting up there with those other men around him?" I did. "That's Henry Kissinger."
Political- Henry Kissinger was the 56th secretary of state, from September 22, 1973 to January 20, 1977.

2. Steve McQueen, Bullitt, p.27
"Then Baba and I drove off in his black Ford Mustang- a car that drew envious looks everywhere because it was the same car Steve McQueen had driven in Bullitt, a film that played in one theater for six months."
Movies, Actor- Steve McQueen was a popular actor that starred in many movies.

3. Zahir Shah, fall of afghan monarchy July 1973, p.36
"The king , Zahir Shah was away in Italy."
Power- Zahir was a Afghanistan ruler that came to rule at age 19.

Chapter 1-5 Vocabulary

Definition- having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods; prosperous; rich: an affluent person.
Sentence from book- " Everyone agreed that my father, my Baba, had built the most beautiful house in the Wazir Akbar Khan district, a new and affluent neighborhood in the northern part of Kabul." (pg.4)
My sentence- The king lived in a old but affluent neighborhood. 
Synonyms- rich, wealthy
Antonyms- poor

Definition- having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved.
Sentence from book- " Intricate mosaic tiles, handpicked by Baba in Isfahan, covered the floors of the four bathrooms." (pg.4)
My sentence- Sandy traveled through the intricate maze.
Synonyms- knotty, tangled 
Antonyms- apparent, clear

Definitionpublicly or generally known, as for a particular trait.
Sentence from book- "people had raised eyebrows when Ali, a man who had memorized the Koran, married Sanaubar, a woman nineteen years younger, a beautiful but notoriously unscrupulous woman who lived up to her dishonorable name." (pg.8)
My sentence- The notoriously old woman disappeared after three years of living on her own. 
Synonyms- famous, widely known
Antonyms- unimportant, unknown

Definition- having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.
Sentence in book- ""people had raised eyebrows when Ali, a man who had memorized the Koran, married Sanaubar, a woman nineteen years younger, a beautiful but notoriously unscrupulous woman who lived up to her dishonorable name." (pg.8)
My sentence- The unscrupulous man lied to the young girl and said he didn't take her dog.
Synonyms- selfish, petty
Antonyms- honest, fair

Definition- having by nature a specified character.
Sentence in book- " While Sanaubar's brilliant green eyes and impish face had, rumour has it, tempted countless men into sin, Ali had a congenital paralysis of his lower face muscles, a condition that rendered him unable to smile and left him perpetually grim-faced." (pg.8)
My sentence- The dog's congenital face was missing a ear.
Synonyms- natural, heredity 
Antonyms- acquired

Definition- provide or give.
Sentence in book-  " While Sanaubar's brilliant green eyes and impish face had, rumour has it, tempted countless men into sin, Ali had a congenital paralysis of his lower face muscles, a condition that rendered him unable to smile and left him perpetually grim-faced." (pg.8)
My sentence- Th teller rendered money to the family of five. 
Synonyms- accomplished, done
Antonyms- incomplete, undone

Definition- move or swing back and forth at a regular speed.
Sentence in book- " I have heard that Sanaubar's suggestive strides and oscillating sent men to reveries of infidelity." (pg.8)
My sentence- While running my arms oscillated regularly during my race. 
Synonyms- toss, pitch
Antonyms- remain, stay 

Definition- a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
Sentence in book- " I have heard that Sanaubar's suggestive strides and oscillating sent men to reveries of infidelity." (pg.8)
My sentence- The young girl lost track of what they were doing in class as she reveried for 40 minutes.
Synonyms- fantasy, muse
Antonyms- nightmare

Definition- excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters.
Sentence in book- "As confided to a neighbor's servant by the garrulous midwife, who had then in turn told anyone who would listen Sanaubar had taken one glance at the baby in Ali's arms, seen the cleft lip, and barked a bitter laugh." (pg.10)
My sentence- Alex Garrulously read off the clues to the puzzle.
Synonyms- chatty, mouthy 
Antonyms- quiet, silent 

Definition- habitual observance of truth in speech or statement; truthfulness.
Sentence in book -" But no one ever doubted the veracity of any story about Baba." (pg.12)
My sentence- The old man never doubted the veracity of the young girls mother.
Synonyms- truthfulness, honesty 
Antonyms-lying, dishonesty 

Definition- firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion
Sentence in book- "Of course, Baba refused, and everyone shook their heads in dismay at his obstinate ways." (pg.13)
My sentence- The dogs obstinate ways were questionable.
Synonyms-firm, inflexible
Antonyms- felxible, obediant 

Definition-great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage.
Sentence in book- "He was preparing his speech for the next day, flipping through a havoc of written pages, making noted here and there with a pencil." (pg.14)
My sentence- The havoc done to Chris's house was replaceable.
Synonyms- devastation, catastrophe

Definition- conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright
Sentence in book- " When people scoffed that Baba would never marry well - after all, he was not of royal blood- he wedded my mother, Sofia akrahmi, a highly educated woman universally regarded as one of the kabul's most respected, beautiful, and vigorous ladies." (pg.15)
My sentence- The virtuous dog was 5 years old.
Synonyms- noble, efficient 

Definition- to chuckle gleefully
Sentence in book- " But a chortle escaped through my nose and made a snorting sound." 
My sentence- The little boy chortled at the magician.
Synonyms-cackle, chuckle 
Antonyms- cry 

Definition-the quality or state of being distant, cold, or uninterested
Sentence in book- "That was how I escaped my fathers aloofness, in my dead mothers book." (pg.19)
My sentence- The winter air is aloofness.
Antonyms- sympathy 

Definition-a confused hand-to-hand fight or struggle among several people.
Sentence in book- "A chapandaz, a highly skilled horseman usually patronized by rich aficionados, has a snatch a goat or cattle carcass from the midst of a melee, carry that carcass with him around the stadium at full gallop, and dropped a scoring circle while a team of other chapandez chases him and does everything in his power - kick, claw, whip, punch- to snatch a carcass from him" (pg.20)
My sentence- A group of 8 year olds gathered around to watch a melee between 40 year olds.
Synonyms- clash, brawl
Antonyms-calm, harmony,peace

Definition-boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted
Sentence in book-" Mostly, I will never forget Babas valiant efforts to conceal the disgusted look on his face as he drove in silence." (pg.21)
My sentence- The valiant woman saved her daughter from the robber.
Synonyms-heroic, noble
Antonyms- cowardly, timid

Definition-caused by or showing sincere remorse.
Sentence in book- " The police brought the somewhat contrite young men and the dead couple's five year old orphan boy before my grandfather, who was a highly regarded judge and a man of impeccable reputation." (pg.24)
My sentence- The man brought a contrite looking woman into the investigators office.
Synonyms- apologetic, sorry
Antonyms- hurtful, mean 

Definition- faultless; flawless; irreproachable
Sentence in book-  " The police brought the somewhat contrite young men and the dead couple's five year old orphan boy before my grandfather, who was a highly regarded judge and a man of impeccable reputation." (pg.24)
My sentence- The impeccable soldier just returned home after 4 years of Iraq.
Synonyms- exact, right 
Antonyms- flawed, defective

Definition- strongly emotional; intense or passionate
Sentence in book- "Their father argued, but not too vehemently, and in the end everyone agreed that the punishment had been perhaps harsh but fair." (pg.24)
My sentence- The vehemently old man was very upset after losing his dog.
Synonyms- severally, awfully
Antonyms-calmly, gently

Definition- a stupid person 
Sentence in book- "What does that word mean?" "Which one?" "Imbecile." (pg.28)
My sentence-The young girl was not a imbecile but very intelligent. 
Synonyms-simple, thick
Antonyms-intelligent, smart 

Definition- something that a person cannot conquer, achieve
Sentence in book- "Rostam mortally wounds his valiant nemesis, Sohrab, is his long-lost son."(pg.29)
My sentence- I could not nemesis the task given. 
Synonyms- curse, rival
Antonyms-advantage, happiness

Definition- unmindful; unconscious; unaware
Sentence in book- "Hassan of course, was oblivious to this."(pg.30)
My sentence- The oblivious man didn't know his microwave was on fire.
Synonyms-blind, forgetful
Antonyms- Mindful, aware

Definition- disguised
Sentence in book- "Baba nodded and gave a thin smile that conveyed little more than feigned interest." (pg.31)
My sentence- The clown feigned himself in face paint.
Synonyms- affected, sham
Antonyms- real, true

Definition-an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.
Sentence in book- "But the most impressive thing about your story is that it has irony." (pg.32)
My sentence- Books can either have dramatic irony or situational irony.
Synonyms- twist, paradox
Antonyms- approval, respect

Definition- thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
Sentence in book- "But Hassans face was my earliest memory and I knew all of its subtle nuances, knew each other and every twitch and flicker that ever rippled across it." (pg.42)
My sentence-The subtle girl was 10 years old.
Synonyms- Faint, slight
Antonyms- ignorant, stupid

Definition- a very slight difference or variation in color or tone.
Sentence in book-  "But Hassans face was my earliest memory and I knew all of its subtle nuances, knew each other and every twitch and flicker that ever rippled across it." (pg.42)
My sentence- The leaves nuances between summer and fall.
Synonyms- hint, nicety 
Antonyms- brightness, lot

Definition-tremulous fearalarm, or agitation; perturbation.
Sentence in book- "Neither one of us said much of anything as we walked home in trepidation, certain that Assef and his friends would ambush us every time we turned the corner." (page 43)
My sentence- The girl walked to the grocery store in trepidation, that someone was following her.
Synonyms- dread, terror 
Antonyms- beauty, calm