Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapters 15-20 Questions

1. When Amir sees Rahim Kahn they are in Peshawar
2. Amir does not like cliches because he thinks they have a "bum rap." He thinks they are dead-on. Amir uses the cliche "an elephant in the room" because he knows that there is a lot they have to talk about and the cliche an elephant in the room means something you can't overlook. His reuniting with Rahim will be bug and Amir will not be able to look over the conversation.
3. Afghanistan is now being taken over by the Taliban.
4. Hassan lost his father and cousin, Hassan married Farzana Jan, He had a child named Sohrab. Hassan was living in a small village in Hazarajat. Hassan had made a life for himself there, like Amir did in America.
5. Farzana was Hassans wife. Sohrab was Hassans son.
6. In 1996 the Taliban, put an end to the daily fighting. a few years later though the Taliban massacred the hazaras to Mazar-i-sharif.
7. The tone of the letter from Hassan is happy. Amir didn't say much except for asking how Hassan was doing.
8. Amir just kept referring back to memories he had with Hassan and his next concern was what had happened to Sohrab. No, I do not think that Rahim's dying wish is unfair because Rahim didn't ask anything from Amir all his life except for that one thing. Amir at least owes that to Rahim for the things he has done when Amir was a child and in America while he was left behind to care for Baba's house.
9. It relates to them because they both betrayed the people they loved. Baba betrayed Amir, Hassan and Ali by not telling them the truth about Hassan. Hassan was his son and he denied that truth from them. Amir betrayed Hassan by not sticking up for him in the alley.
10. Baba hiring the doctor to fix Hassans harelip, Baba never missing Hassans birthday, When Amir asked for new servants Baba got mad and saidf they were staying, He cried when Ali took Hassan and left, always called him family.
11. Farid said that because Amir always had everything handed to him and all the best stuff because of his father. He had a huge house, servants, american car, not the afghanistan way. Farids thinks of afghans who visit Afghanistan very poorly because they gave up and left when things got rough and didn't stay and fight like the rest.
12. Amir realized how poor everyone had become. The kids at the house they were staying at were always staring at him, he thought it was because of his watch so he gave it to them. They lost interest pretty quickly until he finally realized that they were always staring at his food.
13. Amir saw burned villages, beggers, every street corner was covered in rags, bone-dry river, no trees, bad air quality- it was diesel fuel.
14. Zaman says that he's broke. He's spent his life savings on the orphanage. If he denies one child they take ten. So he swallows his pride and gives one away.



  2. What's your problem cunt you comment this every where
