Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chapters 10-14 vocabulary

1. Lucrative:
Definition- profitable; moneymaking
Sentence in book- "Karim was a people smuggler- it was a pretty lucrative business then, driving people out of Shorawi-occupied Kabul to the relative safety of Pakistan." (pg.111)
My sentence- The apple products were very lucrative.
Synonyms- fatness
Antonyms- unprofitable

2. Inevitable:
Definition- unable to be avoided, evaded or escaped
Sentence in book- "Then the inevitable." (pg.113)
My sentence- the inevitable girl followed you everywhere.
Synonyms- determined
Antonyms- likely

3. Acrid:
Definition- sharp or biting to the taste or smell
Sentence in book- "The place was dim, and the acrid smell of beer I'd always disliked permeated the walls." (pg.132)
My sentence- The smell of the buffalo wings was acrid.
Synonyms- biting
Antonyms- savoring

4. Pungent:
Definition- acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
Sentence in book- "I smelled tobacco on him and alcohol, sweet and pungent." (pg.133)
My sentence- The pungent smell filled the hallway.
Synonyms- spicy, sour
Antonyms- pleasant

5. Sauntered:
Definition- a leisurely walk
Sentence in book- "I ran the stand sometimes as Baba sauntered down the aisle, hands respectfully pressed to his chest, greeting people he knew from Kabul: mechanics and tailors selling hand-me-down wool coats and scraped bicycle helmets, alongside former ambassadors, out-of-work surgeons, and university professors" (pg.138)
My sentence- Two boys sauntered on the first day of spring.
Synonyms- mope, drift
Antonyms- stay

6. Legacy:
Definition- anything handed down from past, ancestors
Sentence in book- "Boys and girls must know the legacy of their fathers." (pg.140)
My sentence- The legacy of my grandmother was an amazing story put in a box.
Synonyms- gift
Antonyms- trash

7. Arrogant:
Definition- making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud
Sentence in book-"Then congratulations, you are already halfway to being a man, he said with no trace of humor, no irony, the compliment of casually arrogant." (pg.140)
My sentence- The old man was very arrogant.
Synonyms- smart, overbearing
Antonyms- shy

8. Perpetually:
Definition- continually or enduring forever
Sentence in book-"I would wave at the general, perpetually dressed in his shiny over-pressed gray suit, and he would wave back." (pg.144)
My sentence- The length of my blanket was perpetual.
Synonyms- constantly, always
Antonyms- never

9. Fickle:
Definition- likely to change
Sentence in book-"Afghan men, especially those from reputable families, were fickle creatures." (pg.148)
My sentence- The weather was very fickle.
Synonyms- cheating
Antonyms- faithful

10. Sallow:
Definition- of a sickly, yellowish color
Sentence in book-"The sallow, puffy-eyed doctor who saw us introduced himself as a second-year resident." (pg.153)
My sentence- The sallow sun was very hot today.
Antonyms- clean

11. Ominous:
Definition- portending evil or harm
Sentence in book-"I thanked him as I helped Baba out of the office, thinking that I had to live a while week with this word "mass" an even more ominous word than "suspicious" (pg.155)
My sentence- The ominous man was 35 years old.
Synonyms- grim, clouded
Antonyms- bright, happy

12. Palliative:
Definition- serving to palliate
Sentence in book-" But it would only be palliative." (pg.156)
My sentence- She was only palliative.
Synonyms- relief
Antonyms- bad, painful

13. Reticence:
Definition- state of being reserved
Sentence in book-"But there was a new reticence to Khanum Taheri's demeanor." (pg.157)
My sentence-There was a different reticence to the boys attitude.
Synonyms- shy
Antonyms- loud

14. Demeanor:
Definition- conduct, behavior
Sentence in book-"But there was a new reticence to Khanum Taheri's demeanor." (pg.157)
My sentence-The demeanor of the kid was unreasonable.
Antonyms- nonappearence

15. Furtive:
Definition- taken, done, used
Sentence in book-"A reticence broken by only secret, droopy smiles and the furtive, apologetic looks she'd cast my way when the general's attention was engaged elsewhere." (pg.157)
My sentence- The furtive paper was all ripped.
Synonyms- creepy
Antonyms- open

16. Daunting:
Definition- to overcome with fear
Sentence in book-"I found it frightening, invigorating,daunting, and exhilarating all at the same time." (pg.184)
My sentence- The girl was to be daunting with sky diving.
Synonyms- bully

17. Meticulous:
Definition- taking or showing extreme care to minute details
Sentence in book-"IVF proved lengthy, meticulous, frustrating, and ultimately unsuccessful." (pg.186)
My sentence- The meticulous man was an engineer.
Synonyms- precise, strict
Antonyms- inaccurate

18. Ambivalent:
Definition- having mixed feelings about someone or something
Sentence in book-"Soraya was ambivalent at best." (pg.186-187)
My sentence- The young girl was ambivalent at 12.
Synonyms- uncertain, undecided
Antonyms- determined

19. Oblivious:
Definition- unmindful, unconscious
Sentence in book-"Khala Jamila bemoaned us moving almost an hour away, especially since she thought Soraya needed all the love and support she could get-oblivious to the fact that her well-intended but overbearing sympathy was precisely what was driving Soraya to move." (pg.188-189)
My sentence- The old man was oblivious.
Synonyms- blind, deaf
Antonyms- attentive, aware


  1. Thank you, You really saved me from having to look in the book and search for these answers!

  2. Thank you, You really saved me from having to look in the book and search for these answers!
