Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapters 21-25 References

1. Les Miserables, p.238
"A Les Miserables poster was nailed to the wall behind Andrews next to topographical map of the U.S."
Les Miserable is a successful play and movie with over a 100 international awards.

2. September 11, 2001, p.362
"Soon after the attacks, America bombed Afghanistan, the northern alliance moved in, and the Taliban scurried like rats into the cave.
September 11, 2001 was the day that the twin towers got hit by hijacked airplanes in New York.

Chapters 21-25 Quotes

1. "A man who has no conscience, no goodness, does not suffer." (pg.301)
Speaker: Rahim Kahn
Occasion: Rahim wrote a final letter to Amir to recap everything that they had talked about when they met again, and to also say good-bye.
Audience: Amir
Purpose: The purpose of this quote is to show Amir that even though he did not stand up for Hassan, not to be so hard on himself. He was just a little boy then, to try and forget about not to have that conscience always reminding him.
Significance: This is significant because right before Amir got this letter he was beaten up by Assef. He felt relief in that because he finally felt like he got what he deserved. He wiped his conscience clean, he will not have to suffer day to day with the gilt he has felt.

2. "Perspective was a luxury when your head was constantly buzzing with a swarm of demons." (pg.356)
Speaker: Amir
Occasion: Amir was explaining how Sohrab had gotten in America and how it was decided.
Audience: readers
Purpose: The purpose of this quote is to show that not everything is as good as it looks or seems. Amir found perspective as a good thing due to all the evil going on inside of his head.
Significance: This quote is significant because it took Amir many steps, hardship, and struggles to get Sohrab into the U.S. with him and even though it is not perfect he is there and he would be fine. Amir was able to put everything into perspective for what has happened in the past months.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chapters 21-25 Vocabulary

1. Gingerly:
Definition- with great care or caution
Sentence in book- "Gingerly, I walked up the driveway where tufts of weeds now grew between the sun-faded bricks." (pg.261)
My sentence- The woman was very gingerly on her walk. 
Synonyms- dainty, delicate
Antonyms- rough 

2. Succulent:
Definition- rich in desire
Sentence in book- "The kabob was as succulent and delicious as I remembered." (pg.265)
My sentence- The succulent ring was very expensive.
Synonyms- moist, yummy 
Antonyms- unappetizing

3. Morbidly:
Definition- affected by, causing 
Sentence in book- "I found it morbidly fascinating that he hadn't changed his clothes from the executions earlier that day." (pg.275)
My sentence- The country of Chili was morbid to the earthquake. 
Synonyms- insanely, gruesome
Antonyms- cheerful, joyful 

4. Surreal:
Definition- having disorientating, hallucinating
Sentence in book- "The moment felt surreal- no, not surreal, absurd- it had knocked the breath out of me, brought the world around me to a standstill." (pg.281) 
My sentence- Becca was surreal after the big car accident.
Synonyms- hypnagogic 
Antonyms- real 

5. Epiphany:
Definition- an appearance or manifestation
Sentence in book- "But one day I had an Epiphany." (pg.282)
My sentence- Florence epiphany was horrible. 
Synonyms- flash, vision
Antonyms- secret

6. Impunity:
Definition- exemption from punishment 
Sentence in book- "Amir, the socially legitimate half, the half that represented the riches he had inherited and the sin-with-impunity privileges that came with him." (pg.301)
My sentence- Sally escaped the impunity by the skin of her teeth.
Synonyms- liberty, permission
Antonyms- veto 

7. Remorse:
Definition- deep and painful regret from wrongdoing
Sentence in book- "And this is what I want you to understand, that good, real good, was born out of your fathers remorse." (pg.302)
My sentence- The old man felt great remorse for hitting the dog that ran in front of his car.
Synonyms- pity, regret
Antonyms- joy

8. Shrewd:
Definition- keen;piercing
Sentence in book- "My boys are young but they are very shrewd." (pg.304)
My sentence- The shrewd sound scared the lives of many. 
Synonyms-tricky, smooth
Antonyms- ignorant

9. Pondered:
Definition- to consider something thoroughly and deeply 
Sentence in book- "I stole looks at him as he pondered his cards." (pg.306)
My sentence- Mary pondered her options for three days. 
Synonyms- consider, dwell
Antonyms- discard

10. Paunchy:
Definition- having a large and protruding belly; potbellied
Sentence in book- "The manager, a paunchy man with sweat patches under his arms, kept flashing smiles and telling me that no one in the bank had touched the money."(pg.308)
My sentence- The scrawny man was paunchy. 
Synonyms- bulky, solid
Antonyms- tiny, small

11. Reproachful:
Definition- full or or expressing reproach
Sentence in book- "I saw myself calling the police, describing Sohrab to them under Fayyaz's reproachful glare." (pg.316)
My sentence- The reproachful stare from the man was scary. 
Synonyms- insolent, offensive
Antonyms- kind, nice

12. Obligatory:
Definition- imposing moral or legal obligation
Sentence in book- "I heard the officer, his voice tired and uninterested, asking his obligatory questions." (pg.316)
My sentence-It was obligatory to let the kids pick their umbrellas before me. 
Synonyms- mandatory
Antonyms- optional

13. Irrevocably:
Definition- not to be revoked or recalled
Sentence in book-"What had happened in that room with Assef had irrevocably bound us." (pg.320)
My sentence- The irrevocable trust was what kept us close. 
Antonyms- doubtful

14. Squalid:
Definition- wretched; miserable 
Sentence in book-" I had found the boy in squalid conditions, wasting away in a orphanage." (pg.329)
My sentence- Henry was upset due to the squalid weather. 
Synonyms- shabby
Antonyms- honorable, good

15. Fabricated:
Definition- to fake; forge 
Sentence in book- "Let's assume the story you gave me is true, though i'd bet my pension a good deal it was either fabricated or omitted." (pg.330)
My sentence- By the time the story reached the fifth person it was extremely fabricated. 
Synonyms- mix, devise
Antonyms- demolish

16. Reputable:
Definition- considered to be of good or considerable usage
Sentence in book- "I'm saying that if you want to help, send money to a reputable relief organization." (pg.331)
My sentence-The reputable organization helped against bullying awareness.
Synonyms- trustworthy
Antonyms- unimportant, unknown

17. Turmoil:
Definition- a state of commotion or confusing
Sentence in book- "...I brought Hassans son from Afghanistan to America, lifting him from the certainty of turmoil and dropping him in a turmoil of uncertainty." (pg.356)
My sentence- The turmoil in Afghanistan still continues today.  
Synonyms- flap, whirl 
Antonyms- calmness

18. Profusely:
Definition- made or done freely and abundantly
Sentence in book- "...If you do, you will be scorned and made to apologize profusely for having committed the sin of spoiling the end." (pg.357)
My sentence- The cake was made profusely.
Synonyms-amply, richly
Antonyms- pre-made

Chapters 21-25 Questions

1. " I saw a dead body near the restaurant. There had been a hanging. " (pg. 259)
"The tall Talib with the black sunglasses walked to the pile of stones they had unloaded from the third truck. He picked up a rock and showed it to the crowd.... The Talib looking absurdly like a baseball pitcher on the mound, hurled the stone at the blindfolded man in the hole." (pg. 271)

2. The Taliban official is Assef. I was not surprised when I found out that the Taliban was Assef because as a kid he was also very mean. It is like he enjoys seeing others in pain. Assef justifies his transformation by explaining to Amir how he became a Taliban. He was thrown in jail with other people and every night the commandment would take one person and beat them. When it was Assefs turn he eventually started laughing and the commander got mad and threw him back in the cell. Assef than ran a commandment on a battle field, shot the guy that beat him in the balls and has been on a mission since. I do not think it is a transformation because he has been beating kids up and harassing them since he was little.

3. 1. Hassan had a slingshot when he was a kid and now that his son, Sohrab, is a kid he has a slingshot too.
2. Hassan threatened to slingshot Assef in the eye, when Sohrab shot Assef with his slingshot, he hit him in the eye.
3. Assef threatened to Hassan and Amir that they would eventually get payback. Assef gave Hassan his payback a while ago and now it was Amirs turn.

4. I think the letter was very important. Rahim summed up a lot of what they talked about before and even gave Amir a little bit more. He apologized and said how he was ashamed for lying and asked not to be found. I think that the letter was given to Amir at the perfect time. I think Baba was a good man that was torn between Hassan and Amir and how he betrayed Ali.

5. When I think of my parents I do not have the same thoughts that Amir does with Baba. My parents are very open and towards the end Amir finds out that Baba had some secrets that he never revealed to him.

6. Amir and Sohrab travel to Islamabad because Farid did not think that Amir was safe in the hospital due to the Taliban. Sohrab went with him because there never was a orphanage for him to go in and Amir took him in. Since the Taliban has taken over all of the joy to a little kids life has been taken away. Watching their parents being killed, hangings, barely any interactions with others, no food all of this was taken away from them at a very young age. Therefore the kids in Afghanistan did not have a good childhood. Hassan as well did not have a good childhood because he was a Hazara working for a Pashtun family, the only fun that he had was playing with Amir. Once Sohrab saw his mom and dad die, he went to a orphanage at a young age and spent a long time in there before anybody came for him.

7. Mullah is a term used in Islamic countries for people that have learned and or been taught.

8. Raymond Andrews was a man that worked to help bring citizens of Afghanistan to a different country such as the U.S. Raymond tried to get Sohrab to the U.S. with Amir but denied access after hearing Amir's story.

9. Soraya agrees to bringing Sohrab into the U.S. and adopting him into their family, even after Amir tells her everything.

10. Soraya's uncle Sharif helped Sohrab get a visa to cross borders into the U.S.

11. Amir breaks the promise of never putting Sohrab back into a orphanage.

12. Sohrab then tries to commit suicide by cutting himself with a razor. This is significant because when things did not go right for Amir he tried anything to find a way out. Sohrab as well did the same thing, when he found out that he would be going in a orphanage.

\13. For the first seven months that Sohrab is in San Francisco he is silent. He does not talk or do much. He would walk in the room as if not to scare a mouse. He mostly slept.

14. General Taheris is worried about the fact that Amir has brought a Hazara boy into his family, and people will be asking for a reason. Amir is calm. He explains how Sohrab is his nephew and he then gets very short with the general. He tells him to never refer to him as a hazara boy in Amirs presence, he has a name and it is Sohrab.

15. Afghans gather at Lake Elizabeth Park because the general was summoned to Afghanistan a month earlier and the plan was to join him a few months later once he was settled. Later on Soraya notices kites flying in the sky.

16. Amir feels 12 again. As soon as he starts to run with the kite he instantly flashes back to the times he flew kites with Hassan. except, when he looked down it was Sohrab.

17. This is another full circle because when Amir was a kid he flew kites with Hassan and now that he is older he is flying a kite with Sohrab, Hassans son.