Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chapters 6-9 Quotes

1. "Afghans abhor customs but cherish rules." (pg.52)
Speaker: Amir
Occasion: Amir was explaining the kite tournament.
Audience: readers
Purpose: The purpose of this quote was to explain the rules of the kite flying and how it was similar to the Afghans.
Significance: The significance is to simply draw a line between what is cherished and the rules. The afghans cherish customs but they regard the rules, like the tournament. They don't have rules, just fly your kite, and cut your opponents.

2. "But better to get hurt by the truth than confronted with a lie." (pg.58)
Speaker: Amir
Occasion: He was restating some of his conversation with his father.
Audience: Readers
Purpose: The purpose is for Amir to tell the readers that he would rather know the truth than a bunch of lies. In the context they are talking about Afghanistan. They say how no one would be able to find Afghanistan on a map, which hurts Amir a little but he's glad he knows.
Significance: The significance for this is to explain that instead of being told lies all the time and believing them, to just hear the truth no matter how much it hurts.

3. "In the end, the world always wins. That's just the way of things." (pg.99)
Speaker: Rahim Khan
Occasion: Rahim was trying to cheer Amir up.
Audience: Amir
Purpose: Rahim was telling Amir about his fantasy with a girl he used to like. Amir was upset, so Rahim was trying to help make him feel better by telling this story.
Significance: The significance of the quote is to say no matter what happens you do not get a choice in life. The world will win. Whatever is suppose to happen will happen, You or nobody else has a say but to deal with it.

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