Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chapters 6-9 vocabulary

Definition- to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion
Sentence in book- "Afghans cherish customs but abhor rules." (pg.52)
My sentence- Mollie abhored the rules at her grandmothers house.
Synonyms- scorn, hate
Antonyms- admire, love

Definition- strong displeasure at something considered unjust
Sentence in book-" I'd soon er eat dirt," he said with a look of indignation." (pg.54)
My sentence- Pierre had a look of indignation when I told him my sister ate a piece of corn that fell on the floor.
Synonyms- rage, mad
Antonyms- glee, happy

Definition- the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished; honesty
Sentence in book- "If I was going to toy with him and challenge his loyalty, he'd toy with me, test my integrity." (pg.54)
My sentence- The state of integrity was more than usual with the old man.
Synonyms- virtue
Antonyms- dishonesty

Definition- rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner.
Sentence in book- " He's so smart," I said more curtly than I intended." (pg.0)
My sentence- "He's so mean" The young girl said curtly.
Synonyms- harsh
Antonyms- polite 

Definition- to evade
Sentence in book- "The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang- sometimes even at women." (pg.61)
My sentence- The army shirked Iraq.
Synonyms- shun, avoid
Antonyms- meet, face

Definition- severe in manner or appearance
Sentence in book- "The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang- sometimes even at women." (pg.61)
My sentence- The woman austered took off the make-up.
Synonyms- harsh
Antonyms- flexible, elaborate

Definition- gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.
Sentence in book-  "The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars, drums, and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium; on stage or at parties, he shirked the austere and nearly morose stance of older singers and actually smiled when he sang- sometimes even at women." (pg.61)
My sentence- The boy was very morose today.
Synonyms- moody
Antonyms- cheerful 

Definition-great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage.
Sentence in book- "A havoc of scrap and rubble littered the alley." (pg.75)
My sentence- The havoc done to Chris's house was replaceable.
Synonyms- devastation, catastrophe

Definition- likely to occur at any moment; impending
Sentence in book- "I imagine the animal sees that its imminent demise is for a higher purpose." (pg.77)
My sentence- The boy appearing out of his hiding spot was imminent.
Synonyms- coming, next
Antonyms- far, never

Definition- sincere; honest
Sentence in book- "Or, god forbid, what I feared most: guileless devotion?" (pg.78) 
My sentence- The guileless girl was very young; she was 6 years old.
Synonyms- naive 
Antonyms- tricky

Definition- the inability, especially when chronic, to obtain sufficient sleep
Sentence in book- "That was the night I became an Insomniac." (pg.86)
My sentence- February 26, was the night the 5 year old boy became an insomniac.
Synonyms- alive, weary
Antonyms- sleepy, awake

Definition- to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by or as if by repeated attacks; worry
Sentence in book- "He was hanging clothes to dry in the yard and I saw his eagerness in the Harried way he finished the job." (pg.91)
My sentence- The 9 year old boy harried me to no end.
Synonyms- plague, trouble
Antonyms- calm, happy 

Definition- the state or quality of being anonymous.
Sentence in book- " I turned thirteen that summer of 1796, Afghanistan's next to last summer of peace and anonymity." (pg.93)
My sentence-The quite girl was anonymity.
Synonyms- nameless
Antonyms- known 

Definition- an intervening episode, period, space
Sentence in book- " I regretted saying it - I really did- but I think even if I hadn't, our happy little interlude would have come to an end." (pg.93)
My sentence- The interlude between wars was very quite.
Synonyms- stop, rest
Antonyms- start, go 

Definition- the state or fact of being embodied
Sentence in book- "On the surface, he was the embodiment of every parents dream, a strong tall, well-dressed and well-mannered boy with talent and striking looks, not to mention the wit to joke with an adult." (pg.96)
My sentence- Out of everyone she was the embodiment of every boys dream.
Synonyms- symbol
Antonyms- exclusion

Definition- architecture
Sentence in book- "When I looked into them, the facade faltered, revealed a glimpse of the madness hiding behind them." (pg.97)
My sentence- The facade was unbelievable.
Synonyms- look, show 
Antonyms- truth

Alter Ego: 
Definition- an inseparable friend.
Sentence in book- " I'd always thought of him as Baba's quiet alter ego, my writing mentor, my pal, the one who never forgot to bring me a souvenir, a saughat, when he returned from a trip abroad. 
My sentence- My alter ego is Abby. 
Synonyms- second self
Antonyms- enemies

Blood Money:
Definition- a fee paid to a hired murderer
Sentence in book- "That was the only one that didn't feel like blood money." (pg.102)
My sentence- The blood money was given to a 79 year old man. 
Synonyms- amount
Antonyms- owed

Definition- a facial expression often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc.
Sentence in book-"His mouth twitched and, for a moment, I thought I saw a grimace." (pg.107)
My sentence- the grimace on his face was unrecognizable.
Synonyms- sneer, smirk
Antonyms- grin

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